I was granted a reprieve! We didn’t have a frost! I had a few moments today to snap some pictures of the very last of my summer flowers. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! I love winter and the cold and most especially, the SNOW, but I’ll miss my flowers. Enjoy my last blooms of summer –
Morning Glories! Here are some of the “standard” variety –
And, here is Emma’s “Blue Heaven” Morning Glories. The blooms of this beautiful variety of Morning Glory are much larger than the standard variety – they are about 5 inches across! Yes, they are this blue in the early part of the day, and they fade to lavendar as the day progresses. This is one of my most favorite flowers!
Another favorite is the simple Hollyhock. Ahhh… I have hollyhocks in every imaginable hue, and I have them by the HUNDREDS. They are sooo pretty!
Calendulas are such happy little flowers!
Even though I’ve grown these every year for about 10 years, I still don’t know the name of this plant. It makes these huge beans, so my kids call it – “Jack and the Beanstalk Bean.” The blossoms were a bright, cardinal red, but they are long gone. Time to harvest the beans!
Every part of this plant is purple – notice the stems. There are lovely pods developing and I hope that the seeds develop before they freeze. It’s a beautiful plant, and the blooms are very long-lasting, too. Look at them! Blooming like crazy in October!
I forgot all about this plant! I call it, “Grow your own good luck,” for obvious reasons. It is a very pretty little plant, but since it was lost in the Calendula Jungle, I sort of forgot about it until today. My girls will enjoy pressing these leaves.
I’m cheating – I snapped this photo about a week and a half ago, not today, but it was still October, lol. This bloom was the diameter of a dinner plate, and I was *really* looking forward to hanging it outside of my kitchen window, to watch the birds eat the seeds. However, a squirrel chewed it off, and dragged it away. Grrrr….
Jack Frost – you can come now. I’m emotionally prepared.
1 comment:
Scarlet Runner Beans.
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