Emily is so smart - she taught me this method of tying the scarves. Clever, eh?
Here's how - it's super easy to do - -
Aim the "knot" towards one shoulder, and there you go!
This is a very quick knit, and super easy as it's 100% garter stitch. The way this scarf is made, you knit from one end to the middle, then stop and set it aside, while you knit the other half. Then, you join the two halves in the middle.
I made a couple of changes - - on the scarf pictured above, I made the "tails" much larger to exagerate the fish-tail look, and I really like the effect. Also, instead of the join recommended in the pattern, I grafted it instead and I was thrilled with the outcome.
This how I grafted it - - when I was finished with the first half, I dropped the working yarn and picked up some similar gauge waste yarn and knitted about 5 ridges (10 rows) of garter stitch. Then I bound off and set it aside.
I knitted the second half and stopped with 8 beads* (see note below) left to spare, then knitted 5 ridges of garter stitch in waste yarn, and bound off.
Now, I held the two halves together in the middle, and following the general idea of Ms. Neatby's "sock toe chimney" advice, I grafted to two halves together. It worked so well - you can just oh so barely tell where the join is, and this is only because, architecturally speaking, the scarf is not the exact same from either end, and the rows of beads don't line up exactly perfectly, but almost perfectly. It's one of those things that *no one* would ever notice. I'd show you how it looks but I didn't think to photograph the join before I sent the scarves off. Silly me. They really did come out very nice.
When grafting, you'll take all of the beads off of the yarn which you use for grafting, and thread them on when it is time to place a bead. Due to the problem mentioned above, you will need to place a bead on the back side of the scarf and one on the front side in the very next stitch. This might not be readily apparant, but it will make sense when you are doing the grafting.
Weave in all ends and you are done!
*The truth is that I didn't stop with 8 beads left to spare, I stopped with ***4*** beads left over because this is what I thought I needed. I was wrong... Until I had the project in my hands, I didn't realize that I would be placing beads on the front and the back of the scarf, I was planning on only needing them for the front. Sigh. So, I went on a mad bead scramble which went something like this, "YIPPEE, there's one behind the sofa!" "Yeah, there is still a bead in the pocket of my jeans!" "Hooray - there's one in the bottom of my knitting bag!" "Let's see... where did I step on that bead in my bare feet.... oh yeah, in the kitchen... Oh Glory Day, HERE IT IS!!! Yep, that's about how it was. I was in a huge panic, but I found them all! I found another one just this morning under the rug that my knitting rocker sits on. See, I had a minor bead stringing accident...
VERY cool!
And a neat way to tie it!
What fun! Glad you found all the beads.
A very interesting way to tie the scarf too.
Tahanks, I really enjoyed reading your Blog.
I saw a lady with a beaded scarf, and this is the pattern. Where can I find the directions? Would love to make a few gifts. Please email me at delphimo@yahoo.com. Thanks Debbie
I love the beaded scarf you used to demonstrate. My girlfriend just showed me one she got that was very similar. Where can I get this pattern? I am an intermediate knitter, do you think this is something I can do. Is it available in crochet?
It's an exceedingly EASY knit. Just garter stitch. Email or call Karen at Colorado Fiber Arts, all contact information is on this page, http://coloradofiberarts.com/contactus.htm - I'm not sure whether or not they do any mail order sales. This is where I got mine. Anyway, ask for the fishtail shaped beaded scarf, and they ought to be able to help you out. Tell 'em that I sent you, OK? What's so nice about their kits is that the beads are on hanks - already threaded, so you just tie the thread onto your yarn and scoot the beads over. You don't have to thread 50 gazillion beads on, one at time, with a needle. Trust me, you WANT the hanks, lol.
I don't know too much about crochet, so I can't answer this one. But, like I said, it is really really easy. It's the sort of knitting that you bring to the coffee shop where you really want to just sit and knit and zone out, not concentrate on any fancy pattern. Very relaxing and it comes out extremely nice. The weight of the beads makes it nice and boingy.
Let me know how it all turns out.
I am working on one and I have missed placed my pattern, i was wondering if you could email me the pattern or at least the end of how to connect both sides together?
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