Mushroom Helix

A while back, there was a call for entries on the Spin Off site, and since I fell in love with the scarf in question, I thought I'd enter. Why not? The worst that could happen is that my scarf wouldn't be selected, but I'd still have a nice scarf, yes?

Well, it DID get selected! WOOT! You can follow this link, Handspun Gallery of Helix Scarves, and see all of the others, too.  I did the wrap-and-turn differently from the original pattern, and maybe you'd like to read about it.

This is a fantastic scarf pattern - it was my "coffee shop knitting," and it's perfect for that purpose.  Garter stitch with just a little bit extra to keep the knitter interested, but on the whole, not much thought required.  Perfect for knitting while talking.

Here are some photos of the lovely animal who contributed the fiber - she lives in Rye, Colorado, under the watchful care of Jean and John Kenney.  I took these photos back in November, 2010.

She's a Churro Corriedale cross, and she's just a lovely animal.  I bought her whole fleece, and I think that I'll spin a sweater, next.

Look at her view - I bet that these sheep don't appreciate it at all, but I sure do.

I took these photos one day, while visiting with Jean.  I had no plans to take photos that day, and generally, when visiting Jean, I don't even see the sheep - Jean has a huge ranch, and the sheep are off grazing somewhere, but on this particular day, they came up the hill, stood outside the window and posed so prettily that I just had to snap their photo.

Since they were up so close to the house, I asked Jean if I could take more photos, so she went out to the barn and gave them a little more hay to keep them interested - here is a quick glimpse of Jean -

 - and all of the sheep saying, "This is odd.  Why are we getting a little hay now?  Weird.  Let's not ask questions, let's just keep an eye on the crazy lady and enjoy our snack."

They sure kept an eye on me.  It took a while before they approached the feed - as you can see, the goat wasn't shy at all.

In fact, when I opened my car door to get my camera, he tried to climb in.  I think he wanted to go for a ride. He's soooooo friendly.  The sheep, not so much, heh.

Do you love fiber-circle stories?  I do, so here's mine.  In May or June, 2010, Jean called my LYS, Colorado Fiber Arts, and told the owner. Karen, that she had fleeces for sale, did she know anyone who might be interested?  So, Karen told me, and I called Jean.  I bought this dark fleece, and I also bought an unblanketed white Corrie fleece, as well as a blanketed Corrie ram fleece.  And, at that very moment, a firm friendship was formed, Jean and I are great friends and I feel so lucky!  I only wish that I'd have gotten to know her sooner.

Oh, and by the way, my LYS is the best ever!   Visit the web site - Karen does mail order.  If you live close enough, then stop in for a visit, take a class, participate in Open Knit, and just have fun!  A great bunch of fiber folks hang out in the yarn shop.  The latest news is that Colorado Fiber Arts is now participating in the First Friday Art Walk of Pueblo, and a different fiber artist is featured every month.  If you haven't taken a Pueblo First Friday Art Walk, then why not think about doing it next month?  Its lots of fun.

OK, back to my story, heh.  Here is a photo of one of Jean's three rams - I think that this might be "my" ram, but I'm not sure.

The boys have lovely views, too.

We didn't hold the girls' interest for very long, and they wandered off.  

I like this view, which is 180 degrees from the mountain view - you can see FOREVER.

Wow, how I digress.  I started out, just wanting to show my Helix scarf, and I end up with a view of Kansas. Fiber is like that, isn't it.  All encompassing.

By the way, the scarf photo features my darling child, Grace.  She and I have had a busy month - February is Audition Month, and we traveled all over the place, and we had great trips!  You can watch and hear some of her audition material here, if you like.

Be kind to one another.



  1. Love, love, love the scarf!!

  2. Gosh, how I love that pic of Grace. Your creations, scarf and child, are beautiful. Great sheep photos, too. Congrats on getting your scarf selected by Spin-Off

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Oh man, I just love how that scarf turned out. And your story is wonderful. I like how the sheep the fiber came from sticks out soooo much! And that last photo, she looks to be leading the pack. :)

  4. Hi Reading this brought tears to my eyes, you are a wonderful writer and your all emcompassing story reminds me of Bruce Chatwin. I look forward to reading more of your "digressions". Deirdre
