More Pseudorolags!

Hello again!

It was so much fun to see our article in print! Thanks, everyone, for your kind words - Susan and I had lots of fun writing that article, and we are so happy that you like it!

There's a little more to the story, and I'd like to share. The sock which is pictured in the article, On a Roll With Pseudorolags, is one of a pair of fraternal twins. The one which made it into the magazine is the Mild Twin, and let me introduce the Wild Twin.

I had so much fun spinning this pair of socks.

The fiber was dyed by Spunky, it's BFL, and Spunky custom dyed it for me.  It is fantastic.  I asked for a simple batch of red, yellow, blue, and I couldn't be happier - the fiber and the dye job are perfect.  This is the first time I've used BFL, and ohmygosh, I love it.  It has a drapeyness that you have to feel to believe.

Here is a shot of the beginning of spinning the Mild Twin - the dyed top and the very first pseudorolag.  I broke it in the middle of the blue section and spun it like this - red yellow blue red yellow blue.  I knitted the Mild Twin from the toe up, and used Fleegle's Heel, and that was that.

The Wild Twin was MUCH more fun!!!

Here is the cast of characters -

From left to right - black alpaca, blue angelina, green angelina, yellow angelina, watermelon pink angelina.  We had fun.

Here is how I did it -

First, I laid out the BFL by pulling "tufts" off of the end of the top - no flicking or combing or anything - I just pulled the tufts and laid them out - and then I laid other things on top - sometimes some alpaca, sometimes a color from elsewhere in the top, sometimes some angelina.

I kept track of the p-rolags by pinning numbers onto them so that I could make sure to spin them in order.  I wanted the Wild Twin to be somewhat similar to the Mild Twin.

Aren't they pretty?

I thank you for your patience.  I thought that these were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.  If you want to see more photos, just say the word.  heh.

As mentioned in the article, these were all spun with my favorite method - Tammy Rizzo's Navajo Ply on the Fly.  Knitted with my wonderful awesome sterling silver knitting needles, made expressly for me by my darling son, Sam.  They are size US0, and they are wonderful.

Experiment with Pseudorolags!  I've added things such as threads pulled out of fabrics, shreds of sari silk, strips of fabric, feathers, lengths of yarn, curly locks and all kinds of other stuff.  Play and see what YOU come up with!

Encourage one another...



  1. Wow. Just wow. The socks are stunning anmd the heel made me smile! But I seriously need to learn how to do this, because I want to add angelina to top, as sparkly is always better :) So, could you go into more detail about the pseudorolags? You pulled off a tuft, put stuff on top, and then....????

  2. Love, love, LOVE the wild sock! Y'know, I'm not a huge fan of the Angelina, but just that leetle bit in the rolag looks so inviting to me. And may I say, your rolags are incredibly beautiful. All 'round impeccable job.
