I won! I can't believe it!

I entered a few things in the Alpaca Breeders of the Rockies Fiber Festival. What fun! I don't think that there were many entries because, looky here - I won 5 rosettes! I entered two skeins of yarn and they each won an award - first place on my brown gossamer weight and second place on the white 3 ply. The two skeins tied for the People's Choice award. I can't believe it. This brown yarn was spun from fleece,graciously provided by The Peruvian Mountain Valley Girl... and the white fleece was grown on the back of Dazzler's Peruvian Gillian...

... and they both live at Eyedazzler Alpacas, up in Westcliffe.

I also entered a pair of my thrummed mittens and they won first and a people's choice as well.

The thrums were made from Mountain Valley Girl's fleece, and yarn from Colorado Fiber Arts - it's wonderful yarn!Each People's Choice Award comes with a free subscription to any magazine that Interweave Press publishes, so I think that I'll get Interweave Knits and Spin-off.

There is another Alpaca Fiber competetion in May - I have a lovely knot of alpaca in a tweedy blend, just waiting to be spun. Hmmm... I have a lovely hank of black lace weight waiting to be knitted into something... decisions, decisions, decisions...


  1. That's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I finished my shawl on my blog...but don't you know, the camera is BROKEN! ERRR!!! I still need to block it but that probably won't happen until next week.

  2. Those are gorgeous skeins and mittens! congrats on the ribbons!!
