Grace's Dalmatian Mittens

My Grace is now a professional knitter! Look at the mittens she knitted for a friend who has an alpaca farm and a farm store - Red Creek Ranch Alpacas
- aren't these too cute! They are knitted out of a yarn which is a mixture of alpaca and soy silk, and they have black thrums from one of the black alpacas at Eyedazzler alpacas.

Grace is working on another pair which are a khaki color with beige spots. I can't wait to see how those turn out!

The Blonders sell all sorts of hand knitted alpaca items - why not pay them a visit and see what they have in their store?

(If you want to know more about these mittens, then please click HERE and HERE.)

1 comment:

  1. Grace, that's WONDERFUL! They look so cute! LOVE them!

    And, Rosemary, to answer your question from the last post about thinking of your knitting in backwards chron order...yes, I do that too! LOL
