Another Swirly Blanket is finished!

The blanket is finished - the baby can come now.
I finished another of my Red Tent Blankets, see the other ones here and here. I made this one out of 4 balls of Sockotta sock yarn, in a cotton, wool, nylon blend.

I wasn't too sure about knitting a from-the-center-out blanket out of self-striping yarn, and to tell you the truth, I'm still not too sure about it. It's kind of wierd, isn't it? But, I like it, and I hope that the expectant mama likes it too. I selected this yarn because it is infinitely washable, and if there's one thing that I know about baby blankets, it's that they need to be washed! I selected it based on the color scheme, too. Don't these look like the perfect colors for a young ranch wife? I think that it looks very bluejeansey.

Here it is on my darling Grace, to get an idea of how nice and large it is.

For those of you who remain unconvinced about the powers of blocking, I provide concrete evidence - the unblocked blanket. Uhhh... yeah... blocking works! (The apparent color change is due to the camera - the color didn't change. )

Here is the pattern - enjoy! ROSEMARYKNITS-SpiralShawl.doc

I've never used YouShare before, so I'm hoping that it works out. Let me know if you can't download the file. Of course, you can always email me, and I'll send it as an attachment. Please put "Spiral Shawl" in the subject line. Knit!


  1. That came out so very nice. I love the extra bit of spiral effect the self striping yarn gives. It's as though you could give that blanket a spin and keep the baby mesmerized for a bit:)

    I downloaded the pattern and all seemed to work fine.

  2. Very cool -- I like the extra swirly thingys from the striping yarn. I think it works because the colours are on the subtle side. Download worked perfectly -- thanks so much for sharing the pattern!

  3. Very nice!!!! LOVE the swirly effect.

  4. It's out of this world gorgeous!! I only wish I had patience & talent to knit like that.

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Could you PLEASE show step by step how you did the paperback and stick plying...I thought i had it figured out and ended up with a huge mess.

  6. I love it! It's very cool looking with the striped yarn. :)

    -another Rosemary
