My Baby Girl Won a Photography Contest!

My youngest, Emma, age 14, entered the local newspaper's Summer Fun photo contest and she won first prize in the high school division! She won a nice little camera! WOOT!

Here is her winning photo,

 which is a self portrait, taken with a tripod, timer, ladder and 9,000,000 takes.  The author of the newspaper article which summed up the contest called it "Highly creative."  I have to agree.  I also have to wonder if he had any idea how much work went into it.

She entered 10 photos, and here are the others - 



a friend's legs

OK, I guess this one is more "feet" than "legs" but I'm spotting a distinct pattern here.

I have to admit that I didn't understand this one (above) until she pointed out the colorful footprints.  Another self portrait which featured a timer, a tripod and this time, a box. 

This is the upper part of the girl in the argyle socks, above, heh.

And, here's just about all of her!  I love love love these two photos, the ones above and below this comment.  I love how two clubs are in the air in the photo above, and I love the expression on the girl's face in the one below.  There are about 75 other photos from this session, and they are all fantastic.  I don't know  how Emma narrowed it down to only two entries.

A hollyhock.  She took this photo much earlier in the summer, and this morning, months later, I saw the exact same image out in the yard - the sun shining through a watermelon-colored hollyhock.  I took it as a sign to blog about the photo contest!

If you'd like to see more of my darling's photos, then please visit her blog, Cinnamon Thicket.

Emma and Teelin, the juggling girl in the photos, have a juggling video online, maybe you'd like to see it?  The camera was set all wonky, so the image quality isn't too good, but still, I think it's cute.  Watch the little brown dog, heh.

Encourage one another



  1. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Yes, they're really great! She got a haircut, right?

  3. Yay Emma! I'm glad she was recognized for her work. Let's hear it for fun with pixels!

  4. Very nifty. She is a lovely artist, her photos are very nice.

  5. Thanks, everyone! Emma is a busy girl, and she really loves photography. It was fun to share her photos with you.

  6. Congrats to Emma! Her work is wonderful.

  7. go emma! what great photos & creativity. i look forward to seeing more of her work!

  8. yay emma! i look forward to seeing more of her creative work!
