Knittergirl plays the piano, too!


Grace and her friend, Rebecca, playing a little Beethoven for you. They are both 17, and are Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Way to go, girls!

They are working under the direction of Veronika Afanassieva, of the Veronika String Quartet.

I know that this post has absolutely nothing to do with knitting, but what can I say - I'm proud of these girlies! Should you want to see more, and you know that you do, then go here - GracefulPiano.


  1. So beautiful! Please give them both my congratulations for being so talented!

  2. and proud you should be! beautiful music, thank you to you and them for sharing.. words cannot express my appreciation. i really deeply mean it.... and now i'm off to see what i can do for "my" youth orchestra. ;)

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I would be very proud too. Beautiful!

  4. Is one of those clever girls yours?

    I love that photo in the previous post too :)

  5. As a flunked-out piano student, I was gladdened to witness adorable musical success!

    And maybe Cheeto does deserve a little crab coat. With claw mittens. I will get right on it after Roy's socks are finished :)
