Grace's Cabled Purse

A few weeks ago, my daughter wanted to know how to knit cables. I was busy cooking at the time, so I explained as best as I could, promising to actually show her just as soon as I was done in the kitchen. Later, I said that now would be a good time for a demo. However, she was already halfway through this little purse.

Clever girl.

It zips open to reveal a nice linen lining. The linen is reclaimed from a pair of pants purchased at the thrift store for just such a use. I can't pass up nice linen - I feel like we'll use it somewhere in the house.

The way she made it is really clever, I think. She provisionally cast on, and knitted back and forth for about an inch and a half, which would be the bottom of the purse. Then, she wanted to switch to knitting in the round, but instead of picking up across the sides of the back-and-forth-knitted part, she cast on the amount of stitches which would equal this measure and then she picked up the provisional cast on and knitted across it, and then cast on for the other side, and then proceeded to knit the body of the purse in the round. After she was all done, she stitched up the small slits left at either side of the bottom. Clever girl. You know how you can never quite match up the gauges when you pick up along a side edge? She got around the problem altogether.

She mounted this button on her purse.

Which pretty much sums up my daughter, Grace - a truly amazing person.


  1. Good on Grace! She must take after her mother in the clever department. ;-) Love the button.....where can I get one?
    I too find good natural fiber stuff at the second hand stores. A pair of leather pants became some throw pillows with added beading on one.

  2. Very cleverly done. And I want one of those buttons.

  3. Well up and coming knitting designer:)

  4. I love her purse - and I love the fact that she couldn't wait for you to properly show her! Clever girl!!

  5. Please post where Grace got that button. I want one!

  6. She doesn't remember exactly where she got it, but it probably came from here,, where she and her sister buy most of their buttons. This is the best record store on earth, bar none.
