Calling all fans of Tammy Rizzo's Navajo Ply on the Fly technique!

I've been doing a lot of spinning here lately - and I've come up with some pretty significant changes in the way I do Tammy Rizzo's Navajo Ply on the Fly.

It now works soooooo well - please, visit my original post and read through today's edit - marked EDIT - July 11, 2009, and see how you like it.

I've left the original post intact, and I've left intact the edit of April 2009, and added a new round of edits, today. I've left everything alone so that you can work through the three different ways, and see how you like it. I really like the newest method, but maybe one of the older methods would appeal to you?

Try it! I love LOVE this method of spinning and plying.
Navajo ply
NOTE ADDED SEPTEMBER 2010 - view my new and improved video!  I think you'll like it.
ply on the fly
plying on the fly
navajo plying

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What a handy technique! The video really helped to get me started, and I worked through your tips and I can see myself using this a LOT!

    Thank you for sharing this!
