Knitting in the Mountains, ahhhhhh.......

Look where we went last weekend! These are stunningly beautiful mountains, and it was a lovely drive.

We stopped at the turnoff to Bear and Blue lakes, right past Cuchara, Colorado. We were hesitant to drive very far down the road, due to all of the snow, so we just parked our car, pulled out our blankets and our picnic lunch and our sleds and our knitting and we had ourselves a real nice day.

Actually, Grace pulled out her crochet project. Take a look at this girl - does she know how to live, or what? She is wearing my mitts, she has her bag of chocolate at hand, and right beyond that, her coffee. She is wearing my nice, warm snow boots, and she's leaning up against my nice, warm husband. OK, so he's her nice, warm daddy, but still! There's room for only one fiber artist to lean against his back, and she snuck into my spot while I was busy taking pictures.

She's making this up as she goes along, and it's coming out real nice. She's crocheting a tiny purse, and she's doing a great job.

Emma built a snowman - isn't he handsome?

...and I worked on my green socks...

...while listening to the music of this babbling brook. Aaahhhhhhhh..... I doesn't get much better than this! (Notice, I'm wearing my Mod Socks and the boots that they were knitted for. Also notice the Very Warm Feet)

Sam threw snowballs - do boys ever out-grow this?

Oh, yeah, and he did the Marlboro Man thing... How fetching, with the potty shack in the background and all... oops.

Mack is busy being Grace's backrest. Tough job.

Then, we sledded a bit. Even this old lady participated - see, that's me at the top of the picture.

See the rainbows? Click for a larger picture. I just *love* it when this happens. Of course, in "real life" it was much more colorful and sparkley.

Brothers are good sled pushers...


I know, you've already had enough of the photos of the snow, but bear with me, as I haven't.

Sisters can push sleds, too.

Yes - this is a photo opportunity. We've captured every single curl on film. This is a houseful of people with perfectly straight hair - any curl is a photo op, and cause for general rejoicing. Yippee! A curl! We should go sledding more often!

Then, between last Sunday and today, we've had a very busy week. I finished my green socks, and I finished and turned in the knitted doileys. (Wait until you see the picture of the second one - it came out so much better than the first one.) We had play practice every night of the week, which *really* cuts into my knitting time, and today was the children's piano recital. Whew! A fun week, but a busy one, too.

Next week - Opening Night yay, then FINALLY, I can get back to real life and REAL knitting. My kids and I have been involved in a string of plays - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in October, then right after that, Nunsense in Mid December. Then, Christmas shopping, knitting and general hubbub, then a short break. After the First of the Year, I volunteered to work on props for Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, and then this latest one - A Broadway Review, in which Grace and Emma are performing, as well. So, except for a short break around Christmas, we've been involved in one play or another since late summer, when production for Forum started. Whew! Pant! Pant! We are done for a while, and I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Theater *really* gets under your skin... I can't say no!

I am anxious to complete my Log Cabin Blanket, which is languishing in a backpack, somewhere in the house, and I want to really sink my teeth into Heere Be Dragones, so I'll be really happy to have my evenings back. I'm also working on yet another Red Tent Blanket - this time, in a wonderful sock yarn, believe it or not! So, stay tuned for more knitting! I'm itching to get back to spinning, too. Ahhhh.... spring is upon us, and it's time to get my garden in order. If it's not one thing (to get in the way of knitting and spinning), it's another. Sigh.


  1. Pretty pictures! I've got pictures of the snow 'rainbows' down near Alamosa. I think the snow has to be 'old' for that to happen.
    Want curly hair? Just come down to humid country. Everyone's hair frizzes up, I mean, curls, here. Gardening? It looks a little chilly up there for that.

  2. Great pictures!!!! I've never seen the "jewels" on snow like that! We don't get much of any kind of snow here in GA.

    Wow, you have been busy, busy!
