Emma Dyes Snow and another Baby Surprise

My Emma isn’t the crafter that her sister, Grace, is, but… she can dye snow! This started out as a project so as to prolong her snow fort – but why douse it with just plain water when we have cake icing dye, just waiting to be flung onto a snow fort! (Simply mix a tiny bit of icing dye with a giant jug of water, shake and fling.) For some reason, the camera didn’t pick up all of the colors – it was really quite colorful! But, it’s just about gone now, in preparation for the next snowstorm, which I heard is due on Thursday? Oh my gosh! Again! More sitting and knitting! *Gasp!* Gotta run to the library for more books on tape!

Here is the completed picture of the Baby Surprise for Emily’s shop. Come! Take my class! This little darling thing is knitted out of Collinette's Cadenza “Dusk” and it was such a dream to knit with, that I sent my dh to Emily’s shop to buy more so that I can knit some socks for myself! Emily said that he did real well, too. lol.

This Cadenza is soooooo soft, and sooooo pretty and soooooo colorful. It was really nice to work with. I can’t wait to get started on my socks. But – other shop knitting, first. Right now, I’m knitting a Red Tent Blanket out of yet another yummy yarn, Artful Yarn's Serenade, a cotton angora blend, aaaaahhhhh sooooooo soft. This shawl will go on display in Emily’s shop to advertise the class I’m going to teach in March. Pix in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. The Surprise Jacket is so CUTE!!!!!!!! LOVE the colors.....

    My boys would love to have a snow fort....send some of that snow our way!
