Baby Surprise Jacket

Now, isn't this just TOO CUTE? I just love to knit this baby jacket. Elizabeth Zimmermann was a pure genius.

I knitted this out of Artyarn's "Candy" in the colors "jujube" and "lolipop." This yarn felt a bit stringy in the ball, and felt a bit stringy after being knitted up, but after a trip through the washer and dryer, it's soooooo soft. The ball band says to hand wash, but I felt adventurous, and threw it in the machines and it came out fine. It's a cotton/acrylic blend.

Look how cute it is from the back.

We had the most gorgeous sky last night. Take a look. Ahhhh.... The sunlight, reflected from the clouds made the sidewalk pink! I love it when this happens.


  1. Oooh! That's so cute!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That is a cute little sweater! I guess I need to get E.Z. book because I made a friend's version of that baby jacket and mine ended up being premie size...

    I like the colors of yours! :-)

    BTW, I love your blog! Your DDs are so creative and crafty too... I guess it runs in the family, huh? LOL

    Isabelle aka Tricotine
