It's been a Whole Year! Imagine That!

Today was the day of the Annual Fiberlicious Party, the event where I got infected with the Spinning Bug - last year. I can't believe that it has been a whole year already!

I can state with confidence that last year, at this exact same hour, I was sitting in my living room, in my pink pjs, spinning my little K'Nex spindles and thinking that life was grand. You know what? It is! (And... I have on my pink pjs tonight, too!)

At today's event, I learned how to spin on a spinning wheel! At last year's party, I tried spinning on a wheel, but all I got was a big fat mess. Today, I actually made yarn! I was so excited! My time with my little drop spindles has taught me enough about spinning that the wheel was much easier to manage. It was still an awful lot like rubbing my belly and patting my head, but there's hope.

Look at what I started at today's party - I started a spindle of really fine singles. It was much easier than I ever dreamed it would be. I have absolutely no earthly idea what I'm going to do with this - maybe I'll just ply it up and admire it? Maybe spin up a spindle-full, ply it up and admire that? I don't know, but I am well pleased.

Of course, a spindle full would be about a mile long....

I wonder... would it hold together enough to knit with it single ply? Hmmm.... Posted by Picasa

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