Because Fleegle Asked...

Dear Fleegle,

Ask and you shall recieve. 

Here are more detailed instructions for the PseudoRolag technique.

First, kick the cat off of the fiber.

Next, pull off wisps of top and lay them in a row.  In this example, I wanted the striping to make short color repeats, so I pulled off a very narrow bit of the top.   If you want longer repeats, just pull off wider bits of top.  You're the boss.

Way too wide to easily roll up, so...


Scootch in the sides

Then roll it up.  There is a second stick in there - it's hard to see.

Here, you can see the blue and the purple blending nicely.  In a few days, I'll post another color-blending sample.  This is where I'd like to do some more experimentation, with color blending,

You can make small, dainty P-Rolags, or you can make big honking ones.  (Sorry for the awful photo, but I think you can get an idea of the size of this monster.)

This one has angelina and black alpaca added.

Tidying up...

I use a big knitting needle, and one which is short and very narrow - just because I have them - you can use whichever sizes you like.  You'll have to trust that there's another one in there - it doesn't stick out so it doesn't show up in the photo.

Ready to go!

Here is a photo which better shows the "two knitting needles" thing -

Whatever you've rolled up in there will draft out when you spin.  Use as heavy or as light a hand with the "extras" as you'd like.  Only experimentation will tell if your blend is actually draftable.

Here are some wacky tests - I had lots of fun with these.

Wool and already-spun yarns and string.  The grey yarn in the middle was already knitted, so it's all ziggy zaggy.  Of course, this would be lost the instant that the finished yarn got wet, but still, it was fun to play with.

I like to lay a very thin layer of wool on top of the "odd stuff" - it makes it a little bit easier to roll up.


Picked Mohair...

I didn't take the photo, but I laid wool on top of the mohair, then rolled.  The yarn ended up sort of boucley

Wool, Cottswold locks..

Another fine layer of wool laid on top of the locks...

 This one was fun.  As I recall, it was tricky to midwife the locks through the plying stage, but they drafted out of the P-Rolag just fine.  My notes tell me to remember to fluff out the butt end of the locks first, so now you know, too.


Your pal,


  1. Hi Rosemary
    I just wanted to say THANKS for such a great article. I just got thru rolling my first pseudo-rolag and it spun like a dream! I enjoy process....not buying equipment. Your idea lets me get gorgeous mini bats without cards or a machine!
    Great creative lo-tech idea!

  2. Wow! You've played a lot more with add-ins than I have. I don't suppose you kept a sample of the spun-up wool/Cotswold p-rolag, did you? The blue wool and yellow curly Cotswold one? I'd love to see how the yarn worked up.

  3. Fleegle thanks you profusely! All those lovely pictures! I am off to order some angelina, because sparkley is always better :) That's a fantastic trick for those of us who just don't feel like getting into the carding thing, but still want to have fun blending.

    So, how did you kick the cats off the fiber?

  4. Alison, that's the point, exactly. Less tools, more fun. I love simplicity.

    knittermobile, I've been itching to post these photos since you and I first started playing with P-rolags. I'll look for the photos of the locks. I still have the samples around here somewhere.

    fleegle, yes, sparkley is always better! I finally broke down and bought some carders, and you know what? I don't like them. It's Pseudorolags for me - whether using locks or top or anything in between, p-rolags work just great with little fuss. I'm glad you like it. I've so enjoyed YOUR blog all of these years, it thrills me to be able to give a little something back.

    Kicking THAT CAT off of the fiber is the hardest part of spinning. She's tenacious, and she loves her fiber, especially coopworth. Oy.

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Ooh, so many good things in one post. A Fleegle reference, more detail on pseudo rolags. A very cute cat on fiber (like that never happens in my house)!.

    I'll be posting about my first venture into pseudo rolag land a bit later. I'm definitely very lo-tech in spinning - I've got my spindles, cardboard tubes, and that's about it!

  6. I enjoyed this post so much! Thanks for sharing! I'd also love to see photos of the yarn resulting from the wonderful P-rolags if you get a chance! :)

  7. Very inspiring post, I really would love to get into spinning but thought it would require so much stuff. I am with you...simplicity is best.

  8. Why is it that every time I read a post of yours, I want to come live in your house and spin with you?

  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    do you comb the small bits individually, or just use the comb to scoot them all together?

  10. veganprimate - come on over! Imagine the fun we can have!

    anonymous - no the "bits" aren't combed, just pulled from the top.

    Sheepy Origins - when I was doing these experiments, it wasn't to produce beautiful yarns, it was to see if drafting odd-ball things out of a p-rolag would actually work, so the resulting yarns aren't all that photogenic. I'll dig them out and take their pictures, eventually.

    Thanks everyone!


  11. Thank you for the photos, very inspirational. I also wondered what the cotswold and mohair spun up like. When you spin does the top end of Prolag start and then whatever keeps pulling from the Prolag?
    Can you wear cotwold against skin or is it to sturdy?
    Lynn d

  12. Hello Lynn d,

    Yes, that's exactly correct - you start the pseudo rolag and everything just pulls right out.

    Cotswold is some pretty sturdy stuff. I'm pretty sturdy, too, but I don't think I'd like it for next-to-skin wear.

  13. Anonymous6:51 PM

    do p-rolags allow as much air into the singles as regular carded rolags?

  14. Hello Anonomous,

    I personally think that the amount of air is largely dependant on how tightly you spin the fiber, so I'm not sure it makes so much difference. However, give it a quick test and see how it performs for you!


  15. Just discovered your technique, it is wonderful ! I am eager to trying it. I love mini-batts, they are handy to carry and use with all kinds of spinning technique (spindle, charkha or even wheel). One thousand thanks to you !

  16. I always hate it when I wait so long to come visit... ;o( Now I'll have to spend days trying out all the great things you post about! ;o)

  17. This is great! I never understood how people managed to mix all those different types of fiber with all kind of stuff and spin it!

    Thank you! :)

  18. So. That's how it's done. I'm sincerely impressed. It's gorgeous work you're doing! Show some more.

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hi, just wanted to let you know, how much fun it always is to look at your experiments.

    How does the yarn of those P-rolags look like, do you have a chance to put the yarn-piccies besides the rolags?

    nanawoolf on Ravelry

  20. I love this! What kind of fabric are you using? It looks like denim???
