Grace's Chullo Hat


Grace got this hat kit (from Knitpicks) and jumped right in. Never mind that she'd never done any colorwork before, never mind that *I* haven't done any color work before - she simply loved this pattern and couldn't wait to get started.

It took her about a week from start to finish.

She didn't like the way the applied I-cord was written in the pattern, so she figured out a different way of doing it. (Please, disregard the un-worked-in ends - these were taken care of after the pix were taken. oops)
This was a "choose your own adventure" sort of pattern, and according to Grace, it was fun to work.

It came out great, don't you think?


  1. Yes, I think! It's adorable!

  2. OH! I'm jealous!!!!!!! that is gorgeous! Maybe I need to not be afraid and jump on into color work too!

  3. what a great hat! It knit up nicely.

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    That is amazing! Great work, Grace! I love color work, personally. I've not done a lot, but have enjoyed what I have done. I also love the style of Chullo hats. :)

  5. Wow- that looks fantastic. I'm about done with mine and am scouring blogs to find others- I love the patterns she chose for the different sections. It's such an awesome hat, and SO quick.

  6. This hat is gorgeous!
    take care margit

  7. She did a fabulous job. There's a lot to be sad for jumping into a project with no knowledge of any preset expectations or limitations. Too bad the kit isn't for sale anymore.

  8. Thanks, Beverly! Yup, that's my Grace - she jumps in with both feet, no matter what the project. That's really too bad that the kit isn't for sale any more - it's a great kit. Quite a value. The yarn (Pallette) is very nice, too. I wonder why they quit it?

  9. The new line is absolutely stunning! I have been so entertained by your blog,keep smiling and take care!
