Happy Holidays!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful and peaceful Holiday Season! I sure did! I spent most of it knitting, and what could be more wonderful and peaceful than KNITTING?

Maybe you’ve heard that Colorado has had two blizzards, recently? Blizzards are *most* conducive to knitting, and they are most wonderful and peaceful, too, if you are a blizzard kinda gal, and I am. After our First Christmas Blizzard, we traveled to visit my friend, Annette, and Grace’s boyfriend, Howard. Take a look at Howard’s reaction, upon seeing Grace. I’m telling y’all, this boy has it bad.

Here we all are, after our Second Christmas Blizzard. Yes, night-time temperatures are down to the single digits (F) and yes, we are standing there, in our snow boots, and yes, it is, indeed, warm enough for my darling Grace to be out-of-doors in her shirt sleeves. I so adore this wonderful Colorado Weather!!! By the way, I’m not a little, short, delicate person, I just happen to live in a house full of giants. I’ll soon be the shortest member of the family, and I’m 5’8” (172.7cm) tall!

Emma, and the neighbor kids, were busy, too. The first blizzard left only a trace amount of snow, but the second one left enough snow to actually *build* something! (The cardboard is the roof of the fort, which they kindly moved aside for the photo.)

But – as I said, blizzards are quite conducive to knitting. Here is an action photo of Grace and Domino. Grace had to put her knitting aside in order to pin Domino to her lap – he takes one look at the camera and flees! He hates the flash? I don’t know, but the two of them were happily knitting away until I came along and ruined the whole thing. Notice the fine wires leading to Grace’s ears? She is listening to The Thirteenth Tale, a wonderful book! The Recorded Books Presentation was very well performed – a thoroughly enjoyable presentation, all around. She and I knitted and listened, in our jammies, with cats on laps, and cups of tea nearby, for three whole days. Ahhh….. bliss…..

Grace is knitting a Mitered Square Blanket out of yarn which my friend, Katie, left on the front porch, after a major cleaning-out fit. Take a look at what she left for us! We’ll be knitting for a long time! Thanks, Katie!!!

Christmas Knitting finished – two pairs of slippers, photos below. 6 pairs of mitts, given away without remembering to take their pictures, but trust me, they all came out really nice! lol. Two scarves – photos below. Not bad, considering that I promised myself that there would be NO Christmas knitting. Yeah, right. Maybe I should start now on the Christmas Knitting that I’m not going to do for next year, eh? It would be much easier on my hands than knitting it all in two weeks… Oh, I also knitted – while listening to The Thirteenth Tale – another Baby Surprise for Emily’s shop. Photos soon. Oh my gosh, it came out so cute! Stay tuned!


  1. WOW at the yarn!

    I love all the pix! You and Grace are must be in hog heaven!

  2. Awesome yarn haul! Was it wool or fake yarn? I'm such a snob that when I'm given bags of fake yarn I just thank them and quietly get rid of it.Whats with all the snow?! My mum lives in Alb.NM and they had a record snow fall there!

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Yummy pictures! And encouraging, too. I've been checking the weather up there daily, and had just about concluded that it's too cold for me. I'm glad to hear it does warm up when the sun comes out.
