
I had a blast, knitting these mitts! I went through about 5 different designs, before I finally decided on this one -

Cast on 29, join in circle, knit together the first and the last stitches, for a total of 28 stitches on the needles. K2P2 for 10 rounds. Increase in the middle of a K2 rib, knit around. Increase in the next rib, and continue in this way, until the pattern is K3P2 all the way around the mitt. Knit straight for 10 rounds. Put in a one-row buttonhole over a stretch of P2K3P2. Knit 10 rounds. Knit to the P2K3P2 stretch that would go over the pinky finger, turn and knit back all the way around to the other side of this P2K3P2 stretch*, turn and knit a couple of ribs and then begin the I-cord bindoff. Kitchener the ends, weave in ends and you're done! * This short row part is not absolutely necessary, but it makes the mitts fit much better. What it does is to put two more rows in the area of the index finger. Without these added rows, the mitts are either too short over the index finger and just right over the pinky, or just right over the index finger, and too long over the pinky. This short-row business might seem picky, but it makes the mitts just right.

Thes red and blue mitts are knitted with a different pattern - notice the increased ribs to make the thumb. You can really see this increase if you click on the pic to enlarge it. Too fiddly - I much prefer my latest pattern. But, what wonderful alpaca-wool yarn in such a wonderful colorway!

We had fun dying these mitts with Koolaid. They are knitted out of Lion Brand Fisherman's yarn.

These blue and green ones are mine, and are much too large for my little model, lol.

Everyone got a pair of Mitts, whether they wanted a pair or not!

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