Black Baby Blanket (a.k.a. Red Tent Blanket)

I know it sounds odd to hear of a black baby blanket, but when I had my babies, I was perfectly sick of pink or blue or *shudder* yellow baby blankets. When I heard that a new grand-niece was on the way, I quickly got to work knitting a black-and-white baby blanket. It's knitted out of a black and white yarn, sort of heathery, cotton-acrylic blend, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's from a doiley pattern, and here's the link Spiral Doily pattern

I didn't like the edge in the original pattern, as it was WAY too frou frou for me. I found this edge in a Mary Thomas book, and it's perfect for a blanket. It adds a nice edge, and binds off at the same time. Since the "bound off" edge is simply the selvege of the knitting, its not tight at all, but nice and stretchy. I especially like the ruffly edge - it makes me think of a pie crust.

I pinned the blanket to a sheet, then hung it in the front window to get a photo of the spiral -

Cool or what?

It was hard to send this on its way, because it looked like the perfect cuddle-up-to-read blanket. I keep saying that I'm going to make one for myself, but since I've been saying this for a year, I think that my chances are rather slim. While I knitted this blanket, I listened to The Red Tent, so I'll always think of this as my Red Tent Blanket.


  1. WOW!!! You are very creative! I love that blanket! :-)

  2. what size needles and yarn did you use for this blanket?

    It's absolutely beautiful.

  3. The blanket is beautiful! I love it.

  4. tfairy7:55 AM

    How big did this come out? And can you print the pattern for the edging? Beautiful...thank you
